Illustration work. Mostly for
commission, mostly lives digitally.

2021. "You Will Live Forever So Long As Your Soul Is On
The Moon" a commission of the characters Julian and Byung Hee
from the fictional manga in my friend April's webcomic/zine
"Rotten Roses."

2021. An illustration for the short story "The Chicken
House" by Jenny Fried for Strange Horizons Magazine,
Trans Special Issue.

2021. Illustrations for an article for Vox Media
“The Sexfluencers” by Rebecca Jennings.

2021. "Butch and Femme” paper doll sheets created for
Hyperlink Press and their publication “Remembering LB
City Vol. 2,” published in February of 2021 for the
Printed Matter Virtual Art Book Fair. It was also
featured at an accompanying gallery exhibit
《연습연습연습 // PracticePracticePractice》 at
SPACE 1&2 in Seoul, Korea.


2020. An illustration for the cover of a gifted vinyl record with
music from the short film “Mahal Marie,” directed by Alyssa
Deocampo. Photos from the commissioner Elen Poghosyan.

2018. Album cover art for Harpsona’s cover of
“Main Theme (From Luigi’s Mansion)”

2017. Personal illustration.

2023. Personal illustration, digitized from sketch.

images (c) sunmi 2023 do not reproduce